Our Story,

"There is absolutely no substitute for the best.  Good wine cannot be made of inferior ingredients so we offer the best juice suppliers available." 

Hi, I am Dave from Oriole Winery.

Here at Oriole Winery my family have been making wine for almost 24 years. To me it is still as much fun as the first day I walked in the front door. A lot of you have been listening to me say things like "put a cork in it" for a long time. Not to fear, my little sayings are not going anywhere. Oriole Winery staff has changed a lot over the years but we still stick to our core values of family. Carole and I began this adventure together but she moved into her hardest roll in life. Yes that is keeping me focused. As she always says to me "Honey... Squirrel!".

My son James, spent time working in the store as well but has moved on to a career with the Canadian Armed forces which he continues on today. We couldn't be more proud. Daughter Samantha, became a Red Seal Chef but has since joined the family business. She has stepped away temporarily to raise her two children, Madison & Jack. So we have welcomed our latest member of the family. Mike, our son in law.

Mike and I look forward to giving you the best quality wine and service that you deserve. We strive to make your experience as enjoyable as possible.
Just like you are one of our family.

We would love to see you.

Here at Oriole Winery "We make it simple and You make it great!